Kazakh Translations Completed!

Steppe & World are stealthly! Somehow, they snuck six translations out in the last year without us noticing—the last three of the seven and the Hogwarts Library!

Actually, is much less likely stealth and more just either poor Internet access/adoption and/or (maybe) the chaos being caused by the war in Ukraine. I don’t think they’re involved directly at all, but my impression is that their Internet infrastructure is likely dependent on Russia. Take all of that with a grain of salt—that’s purely my own speculation and I don’t actually know.

What I can say for certain is that my previous source for these books, knizhka.kz, appears to be no more. The books don’t show up on baribar.kz which had excerpts of the previous books, Steppe & World’s ‘webpage’ is still only advertising Order of the Phoenix as a pre-order—it seems the publisher’s only up-to-date web presence is Facebook and Instagram. Ok, so I don’t do Facebook, but I guess I should have caught their posts on IG. Oops.

Anyway, once I had titles, it was relatively easy to find the books: marwin.kz and meloman.kz for instance which seem to be the same company? The sites are very similar and link to each other; but oddly enough neither have the full set of books. Marwin is missing Half-Blood Prince and Meloman is missing Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince. I only found HBP on bookcity.kz. None of them have the Beedle the Bard translation! So although I know it exists… It’s possible it’s still coming.

It has been difficult to conclusively track down the translators too—none the sites or posts give attributions. <Me: angry face> However, the managing editor, Nazgul Kozhabek, was kind enough to confirm them for me by email, so I am confident that these are correct!

Anyway, on to the books!

Title: Хәрри Поттер мен Феникс алқасы
Transliteration: Hárrı Potter men Feniks alqasy
ISBN: 978-601-06-7395-3
Published: 2021-11

Title: Хәрри Поттер мен Шалақан ханзада
Transliteration: Hárrı Potter men Shalaqan hanzada
ISBN: 978-601-06-6639-9
Published: 2022-09

Title: Хәрри Поттер мен Ажал сыйлары
Transliteration: Hárrı Potter men Ajal syılary
ISBN: 978-601-06-7017-4
Published: 2022

Title: Ғасырлардан жеткен Куидич
Transliteration: Ǵasyrlardan jetken Kýıdıch
ISBN: 978-9919-9621-3-5
Published: 2021

Title: Бард Бидлдың Ертегілері
Transliteration: Bard Bıdldyń Ertegileri
Published: 2022

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