Harry Potter and the Racing Pirates

updated 2020-02-01

Two new (unauthorized) Urdu translations have been released this month, both of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

The first is by the same Urdu translator that has been methodically working his way through the books, Moazzam Javed Bukhari. As with the others they are published in digital form only (pdf) and you can find it on his blog.

The other is one Najam Noor Khan that I’ve been keeping my eye on for a little while. I haven’t mentioned him before because until now, he has been haphazardly translating bits of the books and HPB is the first one that he’s completed. It’s hard to believe that the two of them finishing so closely to each other is coincidental—I suspect that Khan was racing to get his out in front of Bukhari’s. And he did by a couple of weeks! I am really interested to hear how the two translations compare so if you are an Urdu speaker and read them both let me know!

Both are now reportedly working on Deathly Hallows—which, amazingly, will be the first time Urdu speakers will be able to read the entire series in their native language.

Title: ہیری پوٹر اور کم ذات شہزادہ1
Transliteration: harī poṭṭar ōr kam zāt shahzādah
Translator: Najam Noor Khan
Published: 2018-06-03
Title: ہیری پوٹر اور آدھ خالص شہزادہ
Transliteration: harī poṭṭar ōr ādh khāliṣ shahzādah
Translator: Moazzam Javed Bukhari
Published: 2018-06-17


Thank you, Danish, for helping with the transliterations!


1Mr. Khan updated the title of his book which was originally: ہیری پوٹر اور اَجل کے تبرکات

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8 responses

  1. Hello
    Thnx for commenting on my translation

  2. danish says:

    Thanks! You’re welcome 🙂

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